于去年底 2012-10-15 跟沃尔玛达成战略合作,进行区域试销。经过半年多的尝试,反应相当不错,沃尔玛即将引入 CYLION 更多产品 推广至全国沃尔玛。这样全国的车友们采购又多了一种方便的渠道。赛领一如既往的专注于方便车友 竭力推出车友们喜欢的爱车保养品。
Warmly Celebrate Cooperation between Cylion and Wal-Mart Stores
At the end of last year, the company Cylion, which is mainly produced bicycle caring and maintenance products, had achieved its strategic partnership with Wal-Mart Stores and been well on test marketing. After half year, the trial sale has been approved to work well.
Now, Wal-Mart is going to introduce more products of Cylion and promote them to everywhere of the whole country. Therefore, all cyclists will have another way more convenient to purchase the Cylion's products.
Cylion has always been concentrated on the needs of its customers and tries best to satisfy them.